Your Self-Serve Laundromat
Self-Serve Laundry
Come in to one of our three locations (San Luis Obispo, Atascadero, or Paso Robles) and enjoy a clean, friendly environment to get your laundry washed and dried.
Our facilities are open 7am-9pm, 7 days a week
(San Luis Obispo: 6am-8pm, 7 days a week)
- Large, heavy-duty machines that can handle comforters, sleeping bags, and family-size loads
- Change machine on site. Easy to change your cash into quarters with our change machine
- Soap dispenser on site
- Convenient, large parking area
- PayRange Mobile Pay. Want to go cashless and speed up the process? Try our PayRange app to have the capability to pay with credit card, checking, apple or Google pay. This method is exactly the same as paying with coins.